佔領現場: 禮物經濟 ( Jacotot's School for the Commons)
Jacotot's School for the Commons 第三次討論﹕共同裡的公社
社兼作為前兩次的一個中途回顧。公社既是一種實踐以及集體生活,更是一個政治項目(political project)。這次我們將從巴黎公社談起,到底我們今天如何去理解「公社」?我們如何將其置於我們今天在社會裡的反抗以及實踐,包括它的形式、想像、實驗、延伸?
巴萊希特(Bertolt Brecht),巴黎公社的日子(Die Tage der Commune),http://read.chaoxing.com/ebook/detail.jhtml?id=10988392
Peter Kropotkin, The Commune of Paris(1880), http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/anarchist_archives/kropotkin/pcommune.html
Organizer: Jacotot's School for the Commons
- All men have equal intelligence
- Every man has received from god the ability to instruct himself
- Everything is in everything
第四次禮物經濟的討論將會談論「數碼共同」(digital commons),互聯網的興起帶給我們許多希望,但同時我們見到在數碼領域上的圈地運動(enclosure),包括對互聯網結構上的修改,對版權的控制等等。香港政府最近也企圖修訂對二次創作的立法。到底我們如何看待這些「電子物件」?在「後工業」(其實我們只是進入另一種工業或者更intensive的工業)時期,作樣看「創作」在整個經濟上的角色?當然最重要的是我們如何回應?
文晶瑩,藝術工作者反對版權條例修訂 要求豁免二次創作,http://bit.ly/vvDeLU
Lawrence Lessig, Free Culture, http://www.free-culture.cc/freecontent/
Tim Berners-Lee, Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality, http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=long-live-the-web
Interview with Yann Moulier Boutang, by Gaëlle Krikorian
Source: from the book: Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property, http://bit.ly/tVRe8L
Organizer: Jacotot's School for the Commons
- All men have equal intelligence
- Every man has received from god the ability to instruct himself
- Everything is in everything